Wednesday 2 December 2009

I Gotz Me Some Art (And Some Biccies)

You may have noticed in my Gouache paints post last week the fab tin I'm now housing them in. The tin, and the biscuits within, were a little gift from Boyfriend because he knows I love tins (and biscuits, let's be honest) and "I thought you'd think that pattern was awesome." He weren't wrong. Well, lo and behold, checking Print & Pattern's blog yesterday I discovered that, without realising it, I now have a piece of the fantastic Sanna Annukka's artwork! She did Keane's Under The Iron Sea CD cover, amongst other cool, Finnish-inspired things. Her website is here.


1 comment:

pie said...

oh interesting! I actually had to run out and buy the same tin after seeing it on your blog last week - love it! (and the biccies aren't bad either...)